Mark Mandarano, Artistic Director

January 13th

Here is the poster for the upcoming concert. I think it captures the spirit pretty well.

poster January2

I have been receiving the score to Chris’s new suite in bits and pieces and I am thrilled to finally have the whole thing. It’s a fantastic tour of our neighborhood with vivid depictions of the bustling streets and little byways and even a trip to the library. All the moods and feelings are captured in a really deft, humorous, energetic and soulful jazz — in a myriad of styles. It’s going to be a pleasure to rehearse and perform. Although, it’s no walk in the park, musically. Everyone gets a workout. In a good way. And it’s life-affirming qualities will be the perfect foil to Weill and Brecht’s grimly ironic danse macabre, Mahagonny.

We have some incredible singers lined up for Mahagonny.

Jessie — Allison Charney, soprano (a dear friend with whom I have performed numerous times. So glad to bring her to Riverdale).

Bessie — Kristin Gornstein, mezzo-soprano

Charlie — Andrew Drost, tenor (with whom I performed at the NYCO VOX Festival and he sang Das Lied von der Erde in Riverdale back in 2009)

Billy — Stephen Campanella, tenor

Bobby — Phil Cutlip, baritone (a Riverdale resident and a fine artist)

Jimmy — Jay Baylon, bass-baritone.

What a cast. Going to be a treat!

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