Mark Mandarano, Artistic Director


Yesterday, I was invited to be on air with Alison Young at the Minnesota Public Radio station here in downtown Saint Paul. She is a consummate professional. So personable and well-informed. She put me at ease right from the moment I stepped in as some Rossini was playing over the air and we chatted and worked out a few technical issues. It was a marvel to see how she could keep track of the music on the air while she conversed with me, entered information on two computer keyboards and cued up the upcoming CDs she would be playing all at the same time! Like a mad scientist in the lab, or a master chef in the kitchen.

I had a wonderful time. She made the decision to play a track by the Sinfonietta of Riverdale right at the top of the interview, for which I am grateful. And, now, I better get ready for a rehearsal for this concert on Saturday!

If you’d like to listen to the interview, it’s online now here.

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